Labor Compliance Consultants helps clients avoid costly investigations that can include back wages, liquidated damages, civil money penalties, press releases and possible litigation by ensuring employers are in compliance with the laws enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division. We offer the following services:
⦁ Conduct In-depth internal compliance audits of all applicable laws enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage & Hour Division to evaluate your past and future liabilities. We provide an analysis, assessing your current risk & liability regarding violations, and develop an action plan to correct and prevent future violations.
⦁ Deliver compliance training & presentations to keep you up-to date and in compliance with the technical requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage & Hour laws.
⦁ Provide guidance during Wage & Hour investigations and assist labor and employment law counsel in defense of Wage & Hour lawsuits, including preliminary assessment of liability or damage claims and calculation of worst-case and most-likely financial impact for use in settlement or mediation,
⦁ Furnish continual support for client decisions on Wage and Hour matters.
We assist and support you in achieving and maintaining compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Section 14(c) Sub-Minimum Wage, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA), H-2A, H-1B and H-2B Visa Programs, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Davis Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA), Service Contract Act (SCA) and the Walsh Healey Public Contracts Act (PCA).
Areas of assistance include:
~Part 541 Salaried “White Collar” Exempt or Non-exempt Employee Status
~Job Duties/Position Descriptions
~Independent Contractor Status
~Record Keeping
~Hours Worked
~On-call Time
~Travel Time
~24-Hour Shifts and Sleep Time
~Companions, Domestic Employment and Homecare
~Minimum Wage
~203(m) Credit
~Tip Credit
~Regular Rate
~Child Labor
~Family and Medical Leave
~Military Leave
~Nursing Mothers
~State and Local Government
~Comp Time
~Government Contracts
~Section 14(c) Time Studies, Prevailing Wage Surveys, Commensurate Wages and WIOA
~Agricultural Employment
Knowledge and Experience to help you comply with Wage & Hour issues in the workplace today.
⦁ Conduct In-depth internal compliance audits of all applicable laws enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage & Hour Division to evaluate your past and future liabilities. We provide an analysis, assessing your current risk & liability regarding violations, and develop an action plan to correct and prevent future violations.
⦁ Deliver compliance training & presentations to keep you up-to date and in compliance with the technical requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage & Hour laws.
⦁ Provide guidance during Wage & Hour investigations and assist labor and employment law counsel in defense of Wage & Hour lawsuits, including preliminary assessment of liability or damage claims and calculation of worst-case and most-likely financial impact for use in settlement or mediation,
⦁ Furnish continual support for client decisions on Wage and Hour matters.
We assist and support you in achieving and maintaining compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Section 14(c) Sub-Minimum Wage, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA), H-2A, H-1B and H-2B Visa Programs, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Davis Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA), Service Contract Act (SCA) and the Walsh Healey Public Contracts Act (PCA).
Areas of assistance include:
~Part 541 Salaried “White Collar” Exempt or Non-exempt Employee Status
~Job Duties/Position Descriptions
~Independent Contractor Status
~Record Keeping
~Hours Worked
~On-call Time
~Travel Time
~24-Hour Shifts and Sleep Time
~Companions, Domestic Employment and Homecare
~Minimum Wage
~203(m) Credit
~Tip Credit
~Regular Rate
~Child Labor
~Family and Medical Leave
~Military Leave
~Nursing Mothers
~State and Local Government
~Comp Time
~Government Contracts
~Section 14(c) Time Studies, Prevailing Wage Surveys, Commensurate Wages and WIOA
~Agricultural Employment
Knowledge and Experience to help you comply with Wage & Hour issues in the workplace today.
I provide training and presentations to employers, managers, attorneys, CPAs, accountants and associations to ensure your organization is aware of the requirements of Wage and Hour's laws, understands how they apply to your organization and what they must do to comply.
I offer a variety of engaging presentations on Federal Wage & Hour labor laws to meet your firm’s or organization’s specific needs.
Your best defense is to take preventative measures! Knowledge is power!
I offer a variety of engaging presentations on Federal Wage & Hour labor laws to meet your firm’s or organization’s specific needs.
Your best defense is to take preventative measures! Knowledge is power!
Before an investigation comes your way, have Labor Compliance Consultants lead you and your management team through an internal audit to determine your compliance with applicable Wage & Hour laws.
We will analyze your firm’s compliance with Wage & Hour regulations, inform you of any areas of non-compliance and provide a detailed written report for you to use to begin your compliance efforts.
We will show you how to move forward towards future compliance, and we can provide back wage computations or estimates for your possible back wage liability, liquidated damages and civil money penalties in the event of a Federal investigation.
Let's get you into compliance long before Wage & Hour shows up at your door!
We will analyze your firm’s compliance with Wage & Hour regulations, inform you of any areas of non-compliance and provide a detailed written report for you to use to begin your compliance efforts.
We will show you how to move forward towards future compliance, and we can provide back wage computations or estimates for your possible back wage liability, liquidated damages and civil money penalties in the event of a Federal investigation.
Let's get you into compliance long before Wage & Hour shows up at your door!
We represent you when the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage & Hour Division starts an investigation of your establishment.
You might receive a letter announcing a Wage & Hour investigation, or they may show up unannounced at your establishment and start interviewing your employees and requesting records.
We assist you in preparing for and understanding the Wage & Hour investigation process. We participate in calls and meetings with the agency, review investigation findings, draft, prepare or assist in the preparation of official responses to alleged violations charged concerning back wages, liquidated damages, civil money penalty assessments and charges of child labor, or other violations found.
We also aid labor and employment law counsel in defense of Wage & Hour lawsuits, including preliminary assessment of liability or damage claims and calculation of worst-case and most-likely financial impact for use in settlement or mediation. We can show you how to Lawfully Reduce Your Back-Wage Assessment.
Don't pay or agree to ANYTHING until you call us. Call as soon as you know an investigator is coming. We can get the investigator to come when we will be there to assist you. Protect yourself and your organization. Do not go through a Wage & Hour investigation without representation. If you have been contacted by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage & Hour Division or you are currently being investigated, contact us immediately.
Our enforcement experience with the Wage & Hour Division levels the playing field and provides us with an understanding of the laws, technicalities, dynamics of agency enforcement, objectives and investigator performance standards that are not commonly known by academic professionals and consultants. We know how to negotiate with the agency.
Don't pay more than you owe!
My experience and background in enforcement and compliance gives my client’s in-depth, comprehensive knowledge of Wage & Hour laws and practices. I am a competent, qualified expert.
We review Part 541 Salaried “White Collar” positions to determine exemption vs non-exempt status, create accurate job descriptions for salaried employees, and we can help your organization make the changes needed to be in compliance with the new overtime rule under the FLSA.
Many people are paid as independent contractors, but will the Wage & Hour Division determine that these individuals are contractors or employees? The designation alone does not mean they are independent contractors, and you may be liable. We will examine your workforce and help you assess your risks. Whether an individual is an "employee" or "contractor" under Wage & Hour laws, depends on all the circumstances of the relationship, not just one element or the declaration of the parties. The relationship between the parties, the "economic reality" and the "usual path" determine the status of employee or contractor. We can tell you who is and is not an independent contractor and why. Don’t make this costly mistake!
Give us a call, and we can help you through the murky waters.
Give us a call, and we can help you through the murky waters.
Part 525, Section 214(c) Sub-Minimum Wage and WIOA Reviews
We can ensure your Prevailing Wage Surveys, Hourly & Piece Rate Time Studies and Commensurate Rate Calculations are accurate and in compliance for Organizations with Special Minimum Wage Certificates. We can give you insight and training to reduce your potential liabilities.
WIOA is relatively new, with significant changes starting in July 2016 for employers that hold Special Minimum Wage Certificates. Many employers are not in compliance with these new provisions, and if the Wage & Hour Division shows up, you may have to pay back wages up to minimum wage.
Call today to ensure your program is in compliance!
WIOA is relatively new, with significant changes starting in July 2016 for employers that hold Special Minimum Wage Certificates. Many employers are not in compliance with these new provisions, and if the Wage & Hour Division shows up, you may have to pay back wages up to minimum wage.
Call today to ensure your program is in compliance!
Calculating Back Wages
Violations under Wage & Hour laws can cause back wage liabilities that can lead to Wage & Hour computing back wages, an equal amount in liquidated damages and civil money penalties for each person not paid properly.
Let us evaluate your compliance during the statutory period. We can compute your back-wage liability or show you how to determine your liability.
Let us evaluate your compliance during the statutory period. We can compute your back-wage liability or show you how to determine your liability.
We will get you into compliance with the FMLA, including:
Employer Notice Requirements for FMLA Absences
Supervisor Responsibilities
Recordkeeping Requirements
Posting Requirements
Employer Notice Requirements for FMLA Absences
Supervisor Responsibilities
Recordkeeping Requirements
Posting Requirements
We specialize in compliance assistance for agricultural employers under the FLSA, MSPA and H-2A programs. We assist farmers, farm labor contractors, associations and agents in achieving compliance with:
🚜 Exemptions
🚜 Record Keeping
🚜 Wage Statements
🚜 Disclosure
🚜 Recruitment Requirements
🚜 In-bound and Out-bound Transportatins Reimbursements
🚜 Posting Requirements
🚜 Housing and Transportation Safety
🚜 Farm Labor Contractor (FLC) Requirements
🚜 Doctor Certificates
🚜 Insurance Requirements
🚜 Preferential Treatment
🚜 Unlawful Rejection of U.S. Workers
🚜 Unlawful charges, Deposits or Deductions
🚜 3/4 Guarantee
🚜 Required Rate(s) of Pay
🚜 Notification Requirements for Abandonment/Termination for Cause
🚜 Contract Impossibility
Don't risk another season without being sure you are in compliance! Call today!
🚜 Exemptions
🚜 Record Keeping
🚜 Wage Statements
🚜 Disclosure
🚜 Recruitment Requirements
🚜 In-bound and Out-bound Transportatins Reimbursements
🚜 Posting Requirements
🚜 Housing and Transportation Safety
🚜 Farm Labor Contractor (FLC) Requirements
🚜 Doctor Certificates
🚜 Insurance Requirements
🚜 Preferential Treatment
🚜 Unlawful Rejection of U.S. Workers
🚜 Unlawful charges, Deposits or Deductions
🚜 3/4 Guarantee
🚜 Required Rate(s) of Pay
🚜 Notification Requirements for Abandonment/Termination for Cause
🚜 Contract Impossibility
Don't risk another season without being sure you are in compliance! Call today!
I provide continual support for client decisions on Wage & Hour issues, such as position exemption classifications, hours worked, overtime requirements, pay deductions, H-Visa contract issues, Section 214(c) certification compliance and complex agricutural issues. You will have immediate access to continuing consultation as issues arise.
I'm here when you need me!
I'm here when you need me!
Our Clients Include All Industries. We serve employers of all sizes and industries – including:
⦁ State and local governments
⦁ School systems
⦁ City and county governments
⦁ Associations (industry and non-profit)
⦁ Manufacturers
⦁ Wholesale businesses
⦁ Agriculture - Farmers, Associations and Farm Labor Contractors
⦁ Retail businesses
⦁ Restaurants
⦁ Banks, credit unions
⦁ Law firms
⦁ Accounting firms
⦁ Hospitals, regional medical centers, medical practices
⦁ Health Care/Home Care
⦁ Residential service providers (group homes, home health care)
⦁ CRPs and work training programs
⦁ Independent living companies
⦁ Companionship
⦁ Sheltered workshops
⦁ Nursing homes, skilled care
⦁ Day care centers
⦁ Construction
For questions or additional information, please contact or email us at:
⦁ State and local governments
⦁ School systems
⦁ City and county governments
⦁ Associations (industry and non-profit)
⦁ Manufacturers
⦁ Wholesale businesses
⦁ Agriculture - Farmers, Associations and Farm Labor Contractors
⦁ Retail businesses
⦁ Restaurants
⦁ Banks, credit unions
⦁ Law firms
⦁ Accounting firms
⦁ Hospitals, regional medical centers, medical practices
⦁ Health Care/Home Care
⦁ Residential service providers (group homes, home health care)
⦁ CRPs and work training programs
⦁ Independent living companies
⦁ Companionship
⦁ Sheltered workshops
⦁ Nursing homes, skilled care
⦁ Day care centers
⦁ Construction
For questions or additional information, please contact or email us at: